sunnuntai 20. syyskuuta 2009

Call of Duty World At War v1.6 Patch - Download Now!

 Download Now! Newest patch for Call Of Duty World at War! 1.6! (Includes 3 maps!) :)

Download: Call of Duty: World at War v1.6 Patch (Map Pack 3)

Need for Speed Shift - PC Demo Download!

Long wait is over! You can test Need for Speed Shift Demo yourself! 
Demo is 1.1GB in size and lets players drive on the fictional London track and Spa Francorchamps. Cars include the Nissan GT-R, the BMW M3, a Lotus, a Dodge Viper as well as an unlockable Pagani Zonda.
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Nuuskan tilaaminen internetistä! Ohje

Joillakin sivuilla jossa myydään nuuskaa ei myydä suomen kansalaisille. Mutta jotkut sivut tekevät poikkeuksen näitä sivuja ovat:  ja  Ruotsinlaivojen hintatasosta ei kannata unelmoida. Paketit ovat tulleet muiden tilaajien mukaan hyvin paketoituna postissa. ;´)

Robert Kubica Crash At Canada - 2007 Video and pictures



Ayrton Senna Fatal Accident at Imola Pictures and Video! -1994


Click Here For Ayrton Senna Autopsy Pictures!


Truth about Light sodas! Aspartame Is Poison!

Did you know that Aspartame is Poison! 
  • Aspartame/Nutrasweet is not very sweet in itself.  This may explain why Equal puts Dextrose (sugar) and maltodextrin as the first ingredients (so that it tastes sweet).  Aspartame/Nutrasweet is a brain drug that stimulates your brain so you think that the food you're eating tastes sweet.  If you pay attention you'll notice that when using Aspartame/Nutrasweet, everything you eat at the same time also tastes sweet!  This may be why Aspartame/Nutrasweet causes you to crave carbohydrates.  Hence, you may not lose weight using it.
    By the way, cyclamates got pulled off the market in the 70's in the US (but not Canada or the rest of the world).  Why?  Because the sugar industry saw too much of their market disappear.
  • Aspartame/Nutrasweet (aspartylphenylalanine-methyl-ester) breaks down to its poison constituents at 86 degrees (Aspartic Acid 40%, Phenylalanine 50%, and Methanol 10%). Remember your stomach is at 98.6 degrees! Therefore you should never use Aspartame/Nutrasweet in hot beverages or cooked foods such as Jell-O. How the FDA allows this remains a mystery.  There is mounting evidence that the "Burning Mouth Syndrome" experienced by the Desert Storm troops was actually Methanol poisoning from the Diet Coke they drank lots of, after being exposed to desert temperatures.
  • Aspartame/Nutrasweet's 10% Methanol appears in the body quickly and is the same alcohol (wood alcohol also in lacquer thinner), that your mother correctly warned you could make you blind. Many skid-row alcoholics had major problems with this cheap but deadly form of alcohol.
  • Aspartame/Nutrasweet's 40% Aspartic Acid is an "excitotoxin" in the brain and excites neurons to death, i.e. it kills brain cells and causes other nerve damage.
  • Aspartame/Nutrasweet triggers Migraine Headaches This even happened to me!. The Usenet is filled with posts by people who have pinned their migraines down to aspartame/Nutrasweet consumption.
  • Aspartame/Nutrasweet's breakdown products attack the bodies tissues and create Formaldehyde which builds up in the tissues forever. Remember the smelly, eye watering fumes from the frogs you dissected in school? They were preserved with Formaldehyde! Formaldehyde is thought to cause cancer.
  • The American Bottlers Association did not want the FDA to approve Aspartame/Nutrasweet because of what the test report showed. But the FDA approved it anyway!
  • Airline pilots stay away from Aspartame/Nutrasweet because they are well aware of the documented dangers.
  • Aspartame/Nutrasweet also breaks down to diketopiperazine (DKP) which is proven to cause Brain Tumors!  Brain Tumors used to be rare.  Several of the rats in the original study formed brain tumors during their Aspartame/Nutrasweet exposure.  The researchers surgically removed the tumors and returned the rats to the study and discounted the tumors.
  •  Info From:

Miten Korjaan/Korjata Xbox 360?

Vilkkuuko kolme punaista valoa? Ei takuuta enää jäljellä? Ei hätää koska ongelma yleensä hoituu parilla kikalla joita voit kokeilla heti. Jos haluat Xboxin toimivan 2 tuntia - 2 viikkoa seuraa ensimmäistä ohjetta. Jos haluat ryhtyä todelliseen 2 tuntia kestävään korjausurakkaan jolla saat xboxin toimimaan pitempään seuraa ohjetta 2.

Ohje 1

Ohje 2
Part 1


Ati Radeon 5850 test results! 40% faster that 285 GTX! has made test with their Ati Radeon 5850 and it looks like that it is 40% faster than 285 GTX!

Buy Ati Radeon 5870 !

"Accidently" Theyre selling Ati radeon 5870 1Gb version at with price of 319.99€

Pictures of different ATI RADEON 5870 (Sapphire and XFX:n) and Specs!


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4. Mene kohtaan "search Videos" ja kirjoita hakemasi youtube videon nimi.

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8. Selaimen latausikkuna pitäis ilmestyä selaimeesi. LATAA! ;D


Ohje Torrenttien lataamiseen

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1. Itse suosittelen käyttämään Bitlord1.1:stä (älä lataa pro editionia!!)

2. Asenna Torrent ohjelma ohjeiden mukaisesti.

3. Asennettuasi Ohjelman mene Torrent sivulle kuten:Pirate Bay

4. Kirjoita haluamasi tiedoston nimi hakukenttään.Löydettyäsi haluamasi tiedoston klikkaa (Lataa/Download kuvaketta.)

5. Selaimesi latausikkuna aukeaa. Varmista että olet asettanut "Avaa ohjelma" kohtaan torrent ohjelmasi nimen. (Yleensä selain osaa valita sen automaattisesti.)

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7. Latauksesi löydät Bitlord kansiosta kohdasta Downloads.


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Tekstitykset elokuviin

Tekstitykset Videoihin/elokuviin

Ohje Miten lisäät netistä haettuun elokuvaasi tekstityksen.
1. Lataat Tekstityksen joltain seuraavista sivuista:
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EnglanninKielinen ohje:

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'Alien baby' in Mexico stumps experts

NASA Pics (UFO's) Found on NASA Server!! NASA Pics (UFO's) Found on NASA Server!! Video

9/11 Truth finally on Mainstream Media 911 Truth finally on Mainstream Media Video

15 years old cries blood!

 Watch This Amazing video of 15 year old that cries blood!

Najibullah Zazi Arrested

Najibullah Zazi of the Denver suburb of Aurora was arrested late Saturday after undergoing three days of questioning by the FBI. Zazi, a legal permanent resident from Afghanistan, was due to appear in federal court on Monday.
Also arrested were Zazi's father, Mohammed Wali Zazi, 53.

Kimi Raikkonen Has the Contract With Mclaren?

Lewis Hamilton faces the scrap of his life next season if McLaren pull off plans to sign Ferrari ace Kimi Raikkonen.
Paddock sources say the Finn, 29, has signed an outline agreement to return to the car he won 12 races.
But first he has to settle a dispute with his current employers. He is refusing to step down unless he is paid all of his 2010 £30m salary.

The deal could explain McLaren's increasingly tense relationship with engine supplier Mercedes, who wanted German Nico Rosberg in the car.